When do a garden dormouse need care?
There are many reasons why garden dormice are hand off to a wildlife station. Sometimes they are animals injured by a house cat or starving young, that are not yet independent and lost their mother. However, especially in cities, where garden dormice are found, animals are often handed off, although they are not actually depending on care. It should be noted that the removal of animals, which are not in need of help, is prohibited according to law (Federal Law § 39 (1) BNatSchG).
How do we pay attention when bringing back animals into the wild?
There are different chromosomal forms in the garden dormouse, which are probably related to adaptations to local conditions in the habitat. A mixture of such specially adapted forms should be avoided at all costs, as it is not yet clear what consequences this may have for the animals and the populations.
Cooperation with the project
Therefore, the clear traceability of the origin of all animals and the possibility of distinguishing between animals from different origins (e.g. by individual marking) is particularly important for the admission of injured garden dormice.
In the “In Search of garden dormouse” we not only want to know where there are still garden dormice, but also want to contribute to the support of wild animal stations in checking the origin, the necessary care of injured or orphaned animals and the subsequent professional reintroduction.
More tips will follow
As part of the project, we will develop a concept for conservation measures from the results of our research. These will provide further tips on how to help the garden dormice.